Book and Movie Reviews

Helmut Erxleben reviews the book: Mrs. Kennedy and Me by Clint Hill is a fascinating look at what it was like to be the Secret Service agent whose job it was to guard one of the most famous women of the 20th Century. He describes his years of service from 1960 to 1964 with tenderness and great respect for a lady who was reluctant to be in the spotlight and wanted privacy more than anything else.

She would always address him as Mr. Hill, but he was the man she could count on to help her with difficult situations at home, in Washington and in her many travels thus he became her friend as well as protector. There are dozens of photos in this book, many with Clint Hill and the Kennedys. At the end of this revealing book you will understand why it took him almost 50 years to write about his time with Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy.

Harold Erlendson reviews the movie: Hope Springs

This film is aimed at the over fifty audience.  After 30 years of marriage Kay, beautifully played by Meryl Streep, is deeply unhappy  with her non- existent sex life. Her marriage is in a deep rut. She signs up for a week long counseling session in Hope Springs, Maine. Her husband,  played by Tommy Lee Jones, doesn’t want to attend but at the last minute, reluctantly shows up.

The movie is billed as a romantic comedy drama, but it is not as light hearted as it would  seem. The scene where  Kay is rebuffed in her attempts for intimacy arehard to watch. The counseling did finally work and there were a few laughs along the way leading to a very happy ending.

Harold Erlendson reviews: The Bourne Legacy

his was one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time. There is no coherent plot. The action was non-stop and the filming and scenery were excellent. But if you would like a real story to go along with the action, you will not find it in this movie.

Pleasant Experiences

On a recent Friday, John Bartrem spent an enjoyable day close to home at the Hamilton Warplane Heritage Museum, adjacent to Hamilton Airport. With virtually every type of war and training aircraft produced since the late ‘30’s and early ‘40’s on display, there was much to see; 12 of the planes, including a Lancaster bomber, are flyable.  Rides in each aircraft are offered for a fee. The ability to wander around the new, large hanger with access to all planes was a bonus.

Three World War II planes are currently in progress of being rebuilt; each can take from a few years to 15 to 20 years to make them airworthy. Volunteer guides, knowledgeable on all aspects of each plane, with interesting stories about who flew these planes – anecdotes and hero stories – completed a great day, close to home.

Perhaps a Probus Tour in the future would be of interest to members.

Member News

Some Good News!

After considerable negotiations with Maple Grove Church, our committee has been successful in continuing our lease at the current level, at least for the foreseeable future. Congratulations to all involved.




We were treated to an exceptional gathering at the above, for the start of our new year. The ambience of the dining room was spectacular with the view of the lake and the Marina. The food was plentiful and tasty, and the service was efficient and friendly.

Adam Timoon, on acoustic guitar, returned for a second year to perform music from all the corners of the world – Trinidad to Spain and every place in between.  His deep voice could shake the earth and his guitar playing was a joy to listen too as were his amusing anecdotes. It all made for a well-balanced act. Truly an enjoyable  evening.

President’s Message

Have you reviewed our website at ? If you have questions about it please contact our webmaster Paul Nelson at the meetings or 905 469 4752 or at . Find our latest newsletter events and executive list there. The more we Google the website, the more it prioritizes our site.

Our Activities Committee makes a great effort and greatly benefits our club with a variety of interesting outings. Recently new or popular events which were well attended in the past, are not proving as popular now. The Committee is interested in hearing from you about your likes and dislikes and you will see a questionnaire attached to the mailed Newsletter. Please fill in and return at the August meeting.


The AGM in September

Another year has rolled around and it’s time for our Annual General Meeting, providing for a look back at the accomplishments and disappointments of the past year and a look ahead at the new year. Our 2011- 12 President will give an overall resume of the past year followed by reports from individual Management committee members on their responsibilities. And then the elections. In August the chairman of the nomination committee will have announced the slate of officers they are proposing for 2012-13. At the September meeting further nominations can be made from the floor and then the new management committee is voted on. Finally our auditor reports on the veracity of the club’s financial statements

The Past Two Meetings

In June our profiler was Wolfgang Hartmann. He was born in Germany after the war. The family moved to Canada when Wolfgang was 15 and settled in Calgary. After graduating from the University of Calgary he took post grad studies at McMaster obtaining an M.Eng and a PhD in Nuclear Engineering. His whole business career was with Atomic Energy of Canada and had interesting visits to Argentina,China and South Koreain connection with the installations of Candu reactors in those countries.

Bob Kerby of Bob’s Cruises was our main speaker. Bob told about his business and how things had changed in the last 20 years Now he does almost all his cruises featuring radio and TV personalities. He cautions us to read the fine print when signing up, that relocation trips are worthwhile, be sure to get medical insurance and tipping is 15% or less.

In July our profiler was Frank Fisher. As a young man Frank was quite a hockey player being invited twice to NY Rangers training camps. His business career spanned 37 years of interesting times as a bank and credit manager inOntario andQuebec. After retirement he has taken a leading role in many community organizations.

Our main speaker was Don Cook a Mississauga local historian. Topics he has covered and discussed in his talk include a 50th Anniversary book on Applewood, the early story of Malton airport, Victory Aircraft Co. which built 400 Lancaster bombers using, in wartime, an all women work force, the story of the Avro Arrow and how Russian royalty wound up in Malton