Pleasant Experiences

On a recent Friday, John Bartrem spent an enjoyable day close to home at the Hamilton Warplane Heritage Museum, adjacent to Hamilton Airport. With virtually every type of war and training aircraft produced since the late ‘30’s and early ‘40’s on display, there was much to see; 12 of the planes, including a Lancaster bomber, are flyable.  Rides in each aircraft are offered for a fee. The ability to wander around the new, large hanger with access to all planes was a bonus.

Three World War II planes are currently in progress of being rebuilt; each can take from a few years to 15 to 20 years to make them airworthy. Volunteer guides, knowledgeable on all aspects of each plane, with interesting stories about who flew these planes – anecdotes and hero stories – completed a great day, close to home.

Perhaps a Probus Tour in the future would be of interest to members.