The Past Two Meetings

Constable Carla Draper Discusses Crime Prevention with Probus Members

Constable Carla Draper Discusses Crime Prevention with Probus Members

November – Constable Carla Draper delivered an excellent and most informative presentation on protecting our homes. She outlined almost every method thieves use to determine if residents are at home, how to enter a home unnoticed, what to look for and what to take. Robbers are experts, knowing where people are, where valuables are hidden and how to empty a house of all valuables in just a couple of minutes. Thieves are indeed very experienced in their “trade”. Paula then went on to tell us how to protect our homes, ourselves in our homes and how to make our homes almost impregnable. Constable Draper provided a basic primer on how to keep our homes safe, which  included deadbolt locks, three-inch screws to secure locks into door frames. plastic covered windows so that panes when hit will not shatter, locking your bedroom door at night and having an easy exit and securing sliding windows. Her advice: stand in front of your house or condo and think like a burglar on how to break in

At our October Meeting, the speaker was Brian Cole – Director of Transit at Oakville Transit, who told us that volume had increased by 25% over the past 4 years to annual number of 3 million passengers.  He reported that the new bus/administration facility which was financed 1/3rd each by the Federal, Provincial and Oakville governments will be sufficient for many years to come.  Only 32% of passengers use the transit system to access the GO Train.  Brian reviewed reasons why there are limited possibilities for use of smaller buses on the low volume routes