The Past Two Meetings

In August, our profiler was Cliff Chappel who gave a very interesting outline of his life and career. He recounted his experiences as a young man in the navy during WWII and his extraordinary successful career in bio medical research.

Our speaker was Doug Porter, Deputy Chief Economist for BMO Nesbitt Burns spoke on the economic outlook for Canada and the world. It was a very interesting and wide ranging presentation. He entertained several questions at the end. Doug was introduced by Gerry Sutton and thanked by Clancy Fulton.

September brought us  David Shoalts, Globe and Mail columnist. Introduced by Frank Fisher. Dave, who has been with the Globe over 25 years, stated he did not expect any NHL play to resume until December at the earliest, perhaps even later.  Owners have to make the first move – they are taking a hard line.  Players are being asked to take a further reduction in salary. Dave shared some interesting annecdotes on the NHL, with tidbits on individual teams. As would be expected,  he dwelt on theToronto Maple Leafs and their problems – one being their one “kick at the cup” in 1993. The foibles of Harold and Yolande Ballard provided a few chuckles. All in all, a most interesting and enjoyable hour.

Annual General Meeting – opened the September meeting with all committees reporting. It has been a good year, but a drive for new members is now in progress.