Membership Notes

THE COFFEE COMMITTEE We all enjoy the coffee and doughnuts that are served at half-time at our monthly meetings. They don’t just appear, there is a lot of work involved. The coffee tank and doughnuts have to be picked up; they have to be set up and looked after and then after the meeting the empty tank has to be returned to Tim’s. Peter Pretty and Dave Johnson do all this work for us. Guys, we really appreciate your efforts!

The June meeting is a good time to bring a guest and potential new member because our speaker will be Bob Kerby, who will be talking about Cruises and what to look for before you sign on the dotted line. You no doubt know many friends who enjoy cruising and could benefit by coming to the meeting.

Dues are due: The letter in the mailed Newsletter is a reminder that annual dues are required by August 1st, so please follow the instructions in the letter to make your payment.