District 3 Election & New Management Committee

DISTRICT 3 ELECTION Our club is in Probus Canada’s District 3. In February an election for a Director of that District was held. Our vote was given to Ted Nixon of Probus North Oakville and we recently found out that Ted won.

THE SLATE The Nominating Committee consisting of the 3 previous presidents and the vice president who automatically becomes president in September has met and has completed, in record time, its slate of Management Committee officers for the 2012-13 year. Jim Smith, the chair of the committee will announce the slate at the July meeting and it will be voted on at the September Annual General Meeting. Your Editor has had a peek at the list and is amazed at the huge turnover in officers that will occur in September. Of the 11 management positions 7 will have new leaders. Hopefully all the changes will be good for the club giving it a fresh new approach!