Past Meetings.

In February the club decided to vote for Ted Nixon of Probus North Oakville as national board director for District 3. So far there has been no indication from National on the results of the election. On another matter members were urged to fill up the front pews rather than spread loosely all over the church.

Our profiler was Lionel Latter. Born and brought up in Toronto, Lionel began his business career with various jobs but soon found his niche in cardboard box packaging. He worked mainly with Ontario’s agriculture industry where, when he started, packaging was done by hand. Lionel took us through subsequent developments, which involved mechanisation and immense improvements to productivity. He illustrated how this was done by using cardboard box props, probably the first time a profiler has ever brought along descriptive material.

Our main speaker was Paul Rowan, a financial advisor from Dundee Wealth, 700 Kerr St suite 210. Paul’s message hinged around income taxes which can significantly reduce investment returns. To avoid some of the tax impact he discussed spousal trusts, income splitting, deductions available but often not used, floating shares and life insurance.

In March we had clarification on our liability insurance. It appears to cover anything related to our club activities no matter where they occur. And it was also good to see members bunching up more in the front pews – thanks! Our profiler was once again Lionel Latter who gave us a part two of his life’s journey through the packaging industry all again well illustrated by cardboard box props and slides on the screen.

Our main speaker was Sunita Pereira, a hearing aid counsellor from the Canadian Hearing Society. Some of the things that stood out in her talk were: She found out that a large majority of our members have hearing aids but a large number don’t wear them regularly. When in the hearing aid market get quotes, there can be a big price difference. They can magnify sound but don’t fix the clarity problem. The provincial government supplies a good part of the cost. They are best at 6 to 8 feet. At question period there was an avalanche of questions, clearly the subject was on many members’ minds.