Member News.

Eric Mahony has moved to Post Inn Village. He would love to have Probus club visitors . .  Wib Erwin had an unfortunate accident while curling in late February. He suffered a stress fracture of his hip which meant no operation but bed  rest at the hospital. At time of writing he is still there recuperating. The accident was doubly unfortunate because Wib had just celebrated his 90th birthday . . . Welcome back to travelling members: Bill Tyre from Australia. Unfortunately he was unable to connect with our brother club, Grandviews, in Sydney. . . . Ivor Barlow, from his adventure-filled trip across Africa from north to south. . . . Frank Petrie from a cruise in the Caribbean where it is reliably reported his remarkable gambling luck paid off again. . . .  Dave Patterson back from his “research” in Mexico . . . Ken Lewis from Hawaii . . . and Mike Pallant from a cruise through the Panama Canal (see below).