Member News

Lloyd Collins, a former member who was forced to resign some years ago because he was confined to a wheel chair, died recenty.
More bad luck for Lou Bourgeois. His car was totaled in a crash and he and his daughter, who was driving, both suffered lots of bruises.

Members are invited to offer brief write-ups on good movies, shows, restaurants or trips that they have enjoyed.

Ivor Barlow has had some enjoyable experiences lately. He saw the movie Midnight in Paris and reports: “I cannot imagine anyone not enjoying this movie. Nothing heavy or violent, a tantalizing story, witty script, engaging actors and a production standard you would expect from Woody Allen.”

Ivor also visited a new restaurant: OCs at Stoneboats which has just opened at the corner of Bronte Road and Marine Drive. Ivor says: “It is excellent and reasonably priced.  Essentially a fish restaurant, there is steak and chicken for the carnivores amongst us who still have their own teeth.  Except for the scallops, all the fish is from our west coast, is line caught and wild — no nets and no farms!  Well presented, even your own choice of cooking and dressing, and well served.