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Our February speaker, Honorary Colonel Gerald P J Haddon, recently accepted an award from the Prime Minister recognizing the achievements of his grandfather J. A. D. McCurdy, Canada’s first pilot, who piloted The Silver Dart and eventually became Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia. Colonel Haddon has written a book about his grandfather and will talk about his career. John Chattoe will introduce him
Paul Nelson is still looking for someone to understudy him on the website. The idea may scare those of you who are nervous about modern technology and computers but Paul is very knowledgeable and I am sure can overcome your concerns. If you are interested in exploring this opportunity send him an e-mail at
At the last meeting of the Executive Committee we approved a motion put forward by John Beales to create a small committee comprising the Vice President, the Chair of the Speaker’s Committee and the Chair of the Activities Committee together with the Web Master to develop and monitor the content of the website.
Three guests were welcomed at our January meeting and we hope they will decide to become members. While we have done some promotion, experience shows that personal contact is the most effective way of obtaining new members so I urge you to go ahead and invite a friend to a meeting and introduce him to our members and give him a free coffee and a Timbit.
This year marks our 25th Anniversary and the Activities Committee is planning something special to mark the occasion – but they haven’t finished planning yet, so more on that, later.
Gerry Sutton