Book and Investment Clubs & Movie Reviews

The Book Club, is
now in its 15th year. Only 2 original members remain active, Lou Bourgeois and Grant Gooding.

Currently members have been reading and discussing Michael Lewis’s two books The Big Short and Boomerang, both fascinating reads. The first relates to the U.S. financial market in the recent crash and the second to the European financial mess. Two new members have been welcomed recently, Mike Pallant and Alex Murphy. More info – call Lou Bourgeois..

In today’s unusual financial environment members of The Investment Club are glad to have a club where investments can be discussed and evaluated. The club meets at 10:00 a.m. on the second Thursday of each month at St. Paul’s United Church. Membership now stands at 19. Additional members are always welcome – call Gunther Lutz.

Helmut Erxleben
reports on The Psychopath Test, A Journey through the Madness Industry by Jon Ronson. “This is not exactly restful holiday reading, but nevertheless I found the title of this book intriguing enough to arouse my curiosity. Madness is an extremely difficult concept to define. To get a handle on what it means to be a psychopath, the author, a former BBC host, tries to gain insight by interviewing a number of individuals who at some point in their life had a role to play, either as psychiatrists, researchers, victims, clinicians, institutionalized psychopaths and those not yet clinically diagnosed, but who may have wreaked criminal, political or economic havoc in our society. Essentially, psychopaths are people who lack the insight into other people’s feelings. Is the cause of this lack of empathy, as some believe, a neurological condition, or is it simply a matter displaying a certain number of odd behaviour traits? The history of treatment for psychopathology has been marked by numerous failures, one of the most famous being the Oak Ridge experiments right here in Canada with LSD.”

Harold Erlendson, our movie critic, recently saw the War Horse. Here is his report: “This is an emotional drama that will move you and leave you with tears in your eyes. The setting is in rural England and Europe during WW1. The story begins with a remarkable relationship between a horse and a young man who tames and trains him. The film follows the remarkable journey of the horse as he moves through the war meeting British and German soldiers, a French farmer and his granddaughter and others. The film reaches its emotional climax in the middle of no-mans-land. It is a gallant film with sweeping cinematography and beautiful music. Highly recommended.

Membership Notes

At the January meeting we welcomed our first new member of 2012, Gordon Thomas. Gord was a research scientist with ORTECH, based in Mississauga. He was introduced by his long-time friend Bryan Noble.

Jim Tonner is looking for someone to handle the name tags for the March meeting. He will be away on holidays in March as will Ken Lewis who has been filling in. Please let Jim know if you can cover for him.

President’s Message

Probus is expanding in Canada. There are about 2000 people on waiting lists. A new mixed gender club has just been formed in Port Credit and another women only club has been added in Burlington. Hopefully our club will soon have a website to reach out to those looking for stimulating social interaction with like-minded people.

I have just returned from a trip to Tunisia, the Arabic nation on the Mediterranean Sea between Algeria and Libya, and the first to start the Arab Spring revolutions. They were also the first to succeed based on using cell phones. It started as a local protest initiated by the suicide of a young man in December 2010. It spread by Facebook and Twitter. There was no news of it on the government controlled TV or newspapers. A local rap singer sang about the corruption of the president/dictator and his family on YouTube which was supported by millions clicking on the “like” icon, which tallied their responses.

The people coordinated their surge into the streets in protest using their cell phones. They swarmed the president’s guard and disarmed them. In January the president fled to Saudi Arabia, and has been convicted in absentia of embezzlement.

Elections were held in October. Tunisia has a good chance of success, having a relatively secular and tolerant society and without the tribal divisions bedeviling Libya and other African countries.

See you at the Xmas lunch on December 8th !

– Dave Patterson

In Memoriam

Jack Toten died on Oct.12 at the good old age of 93. Jack had been a Probus member since 1993, serving in the 90’s as our club auditor. He was a graduate of the University of Western Ontario, a military paymaster during the war then a long career in the Bank of Montreal where for 20 years he was the Chief Economist. Jack was a keen lawn bowler and curler and could be found many afternoons and evenings enjoying a game of bridge with fellow bridge devotees. He leaves a son and a daughter and five grandchildren.

Past Meetings

October 2011 meeting: Gary Butler, president of a Probus club in Melbourne Australia  who was visiting in the district, took the time to be our guest at the meeting. He reported briefly on his club which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Profiler was Jim Smith (same name as the Jim who was our President three years ago). Following electronics courses and work with G.E Jim and his brother started their own company making various items of electronic equipment. He remained with the company for 50 years before retiring. His sons now carry on the business.

Our main speaker was Doug Thomas, from the control section of Ontario Hydro. His section is designed to even out supply and demand for electricity during each 24-hour period. Demand swings occur because of weather and activity in the economy. Should domestic electricity supply be insufficient to meet demand electricity has to be bought from other provinces or U.S. States. If there is a surplus of electricity, electricity must be sold – if there is a market for it. He also discussed Ontario’s current 400 M.W. of wind power and problems with it, smart meters, and time of use issues. He cautioned about signing retail contracts as the fine print can be confusing.

November 2011 meeting: At the management meeting it was decided to stay at Maplegrove at least until year end 2012 when the rent will rise to $175. per meeting. At the member meeting activities chair Gunther Lutz announced that it appeared that attendance at the Christmas lunch would be over 100. A new member, Wolfgang Hartman, was introduced and inducted.

Our profiler was Harry Gillard. Growing up in the thirties was tough especially as Harry’s father had died. His first job was in the mail room at Imperial Oil but he was soon in the credit department at DuPont and doing well. He got married, built a house and had a family of two daughters. His job at Dupont took him to Quebec and then to Vancouver where the job ended. Undaunted Harry joined Alcan and wound up as general credit manager in Toronto before retiring.

Our main speaker was Bill Robertson. His son died in 2010 after a drug overdose. Bill decided to do something about the fast-growing drug problem among young people by putting together a very moving talk which he gave us entitled A Father’s Story.

The story is built around the opioid oxcycontin. This drug gives 12-hour pain relief and is often prescribed for dying patients in great pain. When young people take it they get a great feeling of euphoria. Continued use, however, results in less kick and the need to take more and more of the drug. And unfortunately if withdrawal is tried it has terrible effects.

Bill’s son had an accident in which he broke his front teeth. For relief of the pain he was given oxcycontin. He enjoyed the high he got and became hooked on the drug. To continue getting it he went deep into debt, stole from his father and in the end took his own life.

Bill is attempting to get his story into as many high schools as request it. He would, therefore, appreciate any help our members can give in getting his story into Oakville high schools and colleges.

Member News

Welcome back to Paul Hebert after a visit in Australia to see his young grandkids.
Frank Petrie had an enjoyable experience at the club’s visit to the Woodbine races. He won $365, not at a race but at the casino! Frank was proudly displaying hundred dollar bills to all. Frank also informs us that he now has two great grandsons. Can any member top that?
Frank Price and Marvin Olson, both members of the Ennisclare Art Society, had paintings accepted in the recent Oakville Art Society’s Juried Show. The paintings were on display in the Oakville Municipal Town Hall during October and early November.
Ron Hall’s wife, Anne, is very seriously ill.
Grant Gooding’s wife Carol fell while visiting in Seattle and broke her leg.
Members are invited to offer brief write-ups on good movies, shows, restaurants or trips that they have enjoyed.
Once again no pleasant experiences to report but let’s hope there will be a good many in the upcoming month!