The Past Two Meetings

In June our profiler was Wolfgang Hartmann. He was born in Germany after the war. The family moved to Canada when Wolfgang was 15 and settled in Calgary. After graduating from the University of Calgary he took post grad studies at McMaster obtaining an M.Eng and a PhD in Nuclear Engineering. His whole business career was with Atomic Energy of Canada and had interesting visits to Argentina,China and South Koreain connection with the installations of Candu reactors in those countries.

Bob Kerby of Bob’s Cruises was our main speaker. Bob told about his business and how things had changed in the last 20 years Now he does almost all his cruises featuring radio and TV personalities. He cautions us to read the fine print when signing up, that relocation trips are worthwhile, be sure to get medical insurance and tipping is 15% or less.

In July our profiler was Frank Fisher. As a young man Frank was quite a hockey player being invited twice to NY Rangers training camps. His business career spanned 37 years of interesting times as a bank and credit manager inOntario andQuebec. After retirement he has taken a leading role in many community organizations.

Our main speaker was Don Cook a Mississauga local historian. Topics he has covered and discussed in his talk include a 50th Anniversary book on Applewood, the early story of Malton airport, Victory Aircraft Co. which built 400 Lancaster bombers using, in wartime, an all women work force, the story of the Avro Arrow and how Russian royalty wound up in Malton