Member News

Gordon Cunningham recently received a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal to add to his impressive collection of medals. Congrats Gord . . .  Al Histed called us from his residence in Post Inn Village. Al is as bright as ever and would welcome visitors. Mike Purcell visits residents at Trafalgar Lodge, a volunteer job he has had for the past year. Mike says he and wife Verna have had no problem drawing out residents in interesting conversations. A perfect couple for the job . . . Frank Petrie and his wife Peggy have added to the pleasure of lakefront residents in Bronte. Several years ago they began spreading hollyhock seeds along the waterfront. Each year the beautiful flower display increases. A simple job, a great result . . .  Gunther Lutz stopped off in Hamburg on his way back from a Baltic cruise to see the largest model railroad display in the world. He was very impressed.