Member News

Welcome back to Paul Hebert after a visit in Australia to see his young grandkids.
Frank Petrie had an enjoyable experience at the club’s visit to the Woodbine races. He won $365, not at a race but at the casino! Frank was proudly displaying hundred dollar bills to all. Frank also informs us that he now has two great grandsons. Can any member top that?
Frank Price and Marvin Olson, both members of the Ennisclare Art Society, had paintings accepted in the recent Oakville Art Society’s Juried Show. The paintings were on display in the Oakville Municipal Town Hall during October and early November.
Ron Hall’s wife, Anne, is very seriously ill.
Grant Gooding’s wife Carol fell while visiting in Seattle and broke her leg.
Members are invited to offer brief write-ups on good movies, shows, restaurants or trips that they have enjoyed.
Once again no pleasant experiences to report but let’s hope there will be a good many in the upcoming month!